ORIM Network
The ORIM Collaborations film celebrates the many partnerships with organisations and individuals whose work uses the ORIM Framework.

Join the ORIM Network
Do you use the ORIM framework in your early literacy work with families?
Have you been involved in ORIM-related projects in the School of Education at the University of Sheffield?
Are you using ORIM in your practice?
Why not join the ORIM Network? Hear about new ideas, share practice, and meet others involved in ORIM‐based family literacy work.
The ORIM network was established in April 2013 and is coordinated by Professor Cathy Nutbrown.
The ORIM Network has been established to bring together those who are working with young children and their parents using the ORIM Framework and REAL project approaches.
A key aim of the ORIM Network is to facilitate the sharing of ideas for work with families using ORIM and other REAL project methods, such as home visiting and group events. The ORIM Newsletter will be published on an occasional basis and ORIM Network members are encouraged to contribute to future newsletters.
As a member of the network, you will automatically receive the ORIM Newsletter emailed to you as an attachment. We also hold annual network events.
Please tell us about the work you are doing. We are interested in your ongoing work with the ORIM framework, news, ideas, stories, information, resources, feedback and discussion points.
We will draw on what you send us for the newsletter to help keep everyone informed, many ORIM Network members have contributed to the materials on this website. You can contact us at any time at our email address ORIM@sheffield.ac.uk.
Current and back issues of the ORIM newsletter
Issue 3 – January 2016 (currently unavailable)