Other ways of using ORIM


PEEP logo – Parents Early Education Partnership

PEEP aims

To help

  • parents in disadvantaged circumstances to improve their children’s life chances

  • all parents to create the best start for their children by making the most of everyday learning opportunities at home – listening, talking, playing, singing and sharing books

  • children to make the most of their opportunities, by becoming confident communicators and active learners

  • practitioners to reflect on their practice and work with parents and children together to enhance the potential of parents as their children’s first educators.

The PEEP approach to families and professionals is to value existing practices and to work in partnership to build on these strengths for the future.

PEEP Learning Together programme

The programme is widely and successfully used nationally as both a parenting intervention and support for early learning and school readiness.

The programme is based on research which demonstrates

  • the significance of social interactions with babies and young children for healthy social/emotional and cognitive development

  • the link between social class and educational outcomes

  • the importance of the home learning environment – what parents do at home is more important than who they are – and can outweigh socio-economic factors.

The programme is shaped by the ORIM framework, developed and evaluated by Peter Hannon and Cathy Nutbrown at the University of Sheffield.

It identifies the way in which parents can (and do) provide opportunities, recognition, interaction and a model for strands of development focused on in the PEEP curriculum: early reading, writing, oral language, numeracy and learning dispositions.

The programme includes information on how babies and young children develop and learn and explores ways in which their development can be encouraged and supported through day-to-day activities.

It demonstrates to parents and carers the value of what they already do with their children, as well as offering ways in which these things may be extended.

The programme is structured but can be delivered flexibly in groups, drop-ins or one to one with individual families. It can form part of a universal offer or used for targeted work such as antenatal groups for vulnerable parents or with prisoners and their families.

More information about PEEP including PEEP for practitioner training (level three accredited by City and Guilds) from www.peep.org.uk.